Tuesday, June 14, 2011

polka dot....

now don't know why i really like polka dot..
for the design is very simple..just dot dot dot...
today when i on9 then i saw one handbag wahh so nice....
just simple have three color white black n beige...
but i cannot get the handbag becoz im not working right now..
just a dream for me to get the handbag..its ok..
not all the time we must get whatever we want...of course as a women jealous to other people bcoz see our fren can get whatever she want so easily..its ok next time i trust i can get the polka dot handbag huhu
this is my dream handbag ohh polka dot..huhuh

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


aku mendapat panggilan telefon kring2...
skali tgk no kl???????????????
adakah masterskill kol coz nak twr kos degree tue???
sma skali not!!!!
its call from telekom malaysia or the short form name is TM...
she call me for position as a marketing...even bnda tu bkan bdanga aku but xslah klu kita nak try right??
so aku answer beberapa question dy tny...she said need do interview via telefon..
its ok aku ngn xready jwb jela soalan dy..
aku sbnrnya terkejut aku lpa bla aku applt TM nie hmmm....slamat aku dpt jwn ngn confident wlaupn in english..ngn bodo nye aku leh plak g tny can speak malay..
xcame on cha its interview cannot speak malay ma...
alhamdulillah aku dpt jwb suma soalan not like at college before all answer aku pndek but now aku dpt jwb pnjg fully in english..alhamdulillah..
i really hope aku dapat job bcoz nk replay jasa mak ayah aku..aku xnak depa ssh2 dh bela aku..e
wlaupn keje kt kl pn xpe jnj niat cr rzki yang halal..semoga aku dpt keje tue amin..