Thursday, December 30, 2010

artis k-pop..=0

skrg aku suka k-pop ntah la npe..huhu


.huhu sgt cute depa nie..



lagu yg aku layan rancak n besh sgt lgu depa nie..huhu
saya sangat suka..hehehe owesome..=0

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

sangat suka..=)

aku sngat suka bla bleh edit blog g cntik ckit..huhu
wlapn bru nk blajar pln2 mst dpt..hehe
cntik la ckit dh blog aku bru smgt nk tlis..huhu
yg kedua aku suka sb xsbr nk tggu krta baru abg ngah proton saga fl..
keta dh smp tggu bwk blik umah a..sgt excited..
bla aku lak nak da keta sndri.,.tgguuuuu hehe....

Sunday, December 26, 2010

berubat kampung...

td g brubat kg la tuk pnykt thyroid yg tok wan tu tka suma btol...
aku mmg kurang drah..n tok wan tu ckp thyroid dh d lma sbb tu aku slalu xchat dmam la...
xlarat la..pstu tokwan tu operate cra tradisional huhu ingat nk blah dh leher aku,..aku pn dbar2
DUB DAB DUB dab...tok wan tu leh wat suspen pgng gntng lak dpn aku...suma glak kt aku muka aku dh pucat..hahahadh la tok wan tu loyaq burok..hahaha dy kata jgn
apa dy teka btol suma aku suka mnum ais mam asam n mam laksa...
tp.........aku xleh mam laksa slagi xbek..asam n ais ok aku leh than but..........laksa aku bru cdng nak mam laksa...windunyaaaaaa laksa..hukhukhuk...
selamat dy kta aku xkna santau..alhamdulillah...aku kna jmp dy blik da pe ntah...
so funny tokwan tu dy tny aku teka teki...
klu nek bus apa yg trun dlu...aku jwb la drebar..huhu slah daaa jwpn tu..
pak cik di yg bwk bus pn snyp...skLI jwpn dy meter la trun dlu..terkena sudaaaa....hahahaha
pas blik kami mam kt restoran hafiz..aku la mam pling lmbt al maklum lah skit..huhu

pape pn hope dengan izin ALLAH aku leh shat without operation.,.,,amin,,,,,,....,,..,.,.,.,

apa yang aku nmpak..hehe

ptg td aku nmpak suzuki alto dpan mta aku..fuh!!!!
aku sgt suka...hehehe
tp td aku jmp wana hjau not CUTE....
pink jgk CUTE..hehehe
aku bru ja tunjuk kt parent aku keta idaman aku..tup2 dpn mta lalu..
mak aku tnjuk kt aku td..mak ayah aku skong e pe aku mnt...
tq soooo muchhhh love u mak n ayah,....
aku kna chat tuk cpai target aku......
xpe usha tgga kjayaan cha....=)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

lain jd nye...

sbnrnya aku bkn da hypo but hyperthyroid...
doktor dh wat surt tuk refer kt ultrasound and surgical..
huh tkot gla surgical..kt leher lak tu..
aku xnk redho jala..
now dh start mam ubat thyroid...seb bek kck ja..hehehe
no hal la..aku xleh bhenti mam ubat tu smp dktor suh stop...
doktor refer sbb aku slalu dmm so kna buang la c thyroid tu...
hrap xde pape la...aku dh nk hbh stdy...dh la trikh tu sma ngn final sem8 lak...
xpela..redho jela...aku xblh mrh..huhu

Friday, December 17, 2010

Hypothyroidism: Too Little Thyroid Hormone

Part 1: Introduction, causes, and symptoms of hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the body lacks sufficientthyroid hormone. Since the main purpose of thyroid hormone is to "run the body's metabolism," it is understandable that people with this condition will have symptoms associated with a slow metabolism. The estimates vary, but approximately 10 million Americans have this common medical condition. In fact, as many as 10% of women may have some degree of thyroid hormone deficiency.   Hypothyroidism is more common than you would believe, and millions of people are currently hypothyroid and don't know it. For an overview of how thyroid hormone is produced and how its production is regulated, check out our thyroid hormone production page.
Causes of Hypothyroidism
There are two fairly common causes of hypothyroidism. The first is a result of previous (or currently ongoing) inflammation of the thyroid gland, which leaves a large percentage of the cells of the thyroid damaged (or dead) and incapable of producing sufficient hormone. The most common cause of thyroid gland failure is called
 autoimmune thyroiditis (also called Hashimoto's thyroiditis), a form of thyroid inflammation caused by the patient's own immune system.
The second major cause is the broad category of "medical treatments."  The treatment of many thyroid conditions warrants surgical removal of a portion or all of the thyroid gland. If the total mass of thyroid producing cells left within the body are not enough to meet the needs of the body, the patient will develop hypothyroidism. Remember, this is often the goal of the surgery for thyroid cancer.
But at other times, the surgery will be to remove a worrisome nodule, leaving half of the thyroid in the neck undisturbed. Sometimes, this remaining thyroid lobe and isthmus will produce enough hormone to meet the demands of the body. For other patients, however, it may become apparent years later that the remaining thyroid just can't quite keep up with demand.
Similarly, goiters and some other thyroid conditions can be treated with radioactive iodine therapy. The aim of the radioactive iodine therapy (for benign conditions) is to kill a portion of the thyroid to prevent goiters from growing larger or  producing too much hormone (hyperthyroidism).
Occasionally, the result of radioactive iodine treatment will be that too many cells are damaged so the patient often becomes hypothyroid within a year or two. However, this is usually greatly preferred over the original problem.
There are several other rare causes of hypothyroidism, one of them being a completely "normal" thyroid gland that is not making enough hormone because of a problem in the pituitary gland. If the pituitary does not produce enough thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) then the thyroid simply does not have the "signal" to make hormone. So it doesn't.
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
·         Fatigue
·         Weakness
·         Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight
·         Coarse, dry hair
·         Dry, rough pale skin
·         Hair loss
·         Cold intolerance (you can't tolerate cold temperatures like those around you)
·         Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches
·         Constipation
·         Depression
·         Irritability
·         Memory loss
·         Abnormal menstrual cycles
·         Decreased libido
Each individual patient may have any number of these symptoms, and they will vary with the severity of the thyroid hormone deficiency and the length of time the body has been deprived of the proper amount of hormone.
You may have one of these symptoms as your main complaint, while another will not have that problem at all and will be suffering from an entirely different symptom. Most people will have a combination of these symptoms. Occasionally, some patients with hypothyroidism have no symptoms at all, or they are just so subtle that they go unnoticed.
If you have these symptoms, you need to discuss them with your doctor. Additionally, you may need to seek the skills of an endocrinologist.  If you have already been diagnosed and treated for hypothyroidism and continue to have any or all of these symptoms, you need to discuss it with your physician. 
Potential Dangers of Hypothyroidism 
Because the body is expecting a certain amount of thyroid hormone the pituitary will make additional thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in an attempt to entice the thyroid to produce more hormone. This constant bombardment with high levels of TSH may cause the thyroid gland to become enlarged and form a goiter (termed a "compensatory goiter").
Left untreated, the symptoms of hypothyroidism will usually progress. Rarely, complications can result in severe life-threatening depression, heart failure, or coma.
Hypothyroidism can often be diagnosed with a simple blood test. In some persons, however, it's not so simple and more detailed tests are needed.  Most importantly, a good relationship with a good endocrinologist will almost surely be needed.   
Hypothyroidism is completely treatable in many patients simply by taking a small pill once a day. However, this is a simplified statement, and it's not always so easy.  There are several types of thyroid hormone preparations and one type of medicine will not be the best therapy for all patients.  Many factors will go into the treatment of hypothyroidism and it is different for everybody.  

if u want a lover.....=)

special for you........

my favourite car SUZUKI ALTO..=)

dulu aku mnt sgt kt myvi pa da kt myvi pn aku xtau..
yg pling lwak suma org perli aku kta dh nk bli myvi blh plak  nk wana emas hahaha..
yala mlmbgkan kkyaan kataka..time xmtng lagi cmtu la..hahahaha so funny...
sggh lma aku pndm nk keta tu last2 kak ipar aku dh  bli its ok dy dh keja dt dy kan..
tp aku so jelez sbb lmbt rsa nk keja nk keta sndr jgk..hehe
one day a,ngah tnjk 1 keta kt aku SUZUKI ALTO...
first aku tgk dh ttarik bla lma2 jtuh cnta plak..
amboi mcm ngn mr.N plak..hehehe tu no one..heheh=)
time aku hangout ngn angah n yana time nak blik aku tnmpak plak REAL pnya
SUZUKI ALTO wow!!!!!!
mmg terbek wok...!!!!!!! nasiha LOVE suzuki ALTO......
dh la wana cm nk pink mmg cntik.....pgng impian aku nak keta tu jgk....


aku ingat aku dh chat btol yela aritu ckp xde pape...
pling xsgka ari jumaat pkul 10 lbh pg trikh 17hb 12 2010..
my lovely kak ipar kol ckp aku da hypothyroid..hanya Allah ja tau prasaan aku...
aku xthn sbak aku pn ngs smp aku xjd nk join BAKTI SISWA n then aku dok umah sorg2..
aku sdh sgt aku da anemia ni thyroid..
sungguh bsar ujian tuhan bt aku..aku sbar ja..
mgkin ada hikmah bak kata org...
tanda2 hypo
-bdn ktar2
-rsa nk mkn ja
tp mmg skrg suma tnd2 tu da kt aku tmsuk dmm...
aku kna follow up slalu...bla kwn aku ckp kna operate lg air mta aku kuar mcam air paip...
yela..aku xnk suma tu jd kt aku...kak da xbg psan kt mak tp aku xblh rhsiakn pape dr mak aku..hrap mak aku tau nnt xskit pala pkrkan aku...
aku syang sgt mak ayah aku...ckp ja xchat sggp dtng joh smp kl nie tu bwk aku brubat..
jsa2 depa mmg xdpt aku lpakan smp akhir HYAT aku...
insyallah aku akn usha ntk bjaya n blas jsa mak ayah aku..
abg2 aku support aku wlaupn aku slalu gduh..hehehe..
dlm umah ni just fiza n pkah ja tau cta...
tq so much coz care aku...n sorg yg aku syg opsss....=)
dy slalu da dsmping aku ssh n sng...huhu(malu)..
xpala aku kna kuat kan smgt aku tuk pn aku akn lalui jgk..

Thursday, December 16, 2010

just a dream....=)

I WAs Thinkin' 'bout Her Thinkin' 'bout Me
Thinkin' 'bout Us WhAt We GonnA Be
Opened My Eyes YeAh
It WAs Only Just A DreAm
So I TrAveled BAck Down ThAt RoAd
Wish She'd Come BAck No One Knows
I ReAlized YeAh
It WAs Only Just A DreAm
I WAAt The Top And Now It's Like I'm In The BAsement
Number One Spot Now She found Her A ReplAcement
I SweAr Now I CAn't TAke It
Knowing Somebody's Got My BAby
And Now You Ain't Around BAby I CAn't Think
I Should've Put It Down Should've Got ThAt Ring
'cAuse I CAn Still feel It In The Air
See Her Pretty fAce Run My fingers Through Her HAir
My Lover My Life
My Shorty My Wife
She Left Me I'm Tight
'cAuse I Knew ThAt It Just Ain't Right
I WAs Thinkin' 'bout Her Thinkin' 'bout Me
Thinkin' 'bout Us WhAt We GonnA Be
Opened My Eyes YeAh
It WAs Only Just A DreAm
So I TrAveled BAck Down ThAt RoAd
Wish She'd Come BAck No One Knows
I ReAlized YeAh
It WAs Only Just A DreAm
When I Be Ridin' MAn I SweAr I See Her fAce At Every Turn
Tryin' To Get My Usher On But I CAn't Let It Burn
And I Just Hope ThAt She Know ThAt She The Only One I YeArn
for Moreover I Miss Her When Will I LeArn?
Didn't Give Her All My Love Guess Now I Got My PAybAck
Now I'm In The Club Thinkin' All About My BAby
Hey She WAs So EAsy To Love
But WAit I Guess ThAt Love WAsn't Enough
I'm Goin' Through It Every Time ThAt I'm Alone
And Now I Miss Her And Wishin' She'd Pick Up The Phone
But She MAde The Decision ThAt She WAnted To Move On
'cAuse I WAs Wrong
I WAs Thinkin' 'bout Her Thinkin' 'bout Me
Thinkin' 'bout Us WhAt We GonnA Be
Opened My Eyes YeAh
It WAs Only Just A DreAm
So I TrAveled BAck Down ThAt RoAd
Wish She'd Come BAck No One Knows
I ReAlized YeAh
It WAs Only Just A DreAm
If You Ever Loved Somebody Put Your HAnds Up
If You Ever Loved Somebody Put Your HAnds Up
And Now They Gone And You Wishin'
You Could Give Them Everything
SAid If You Ever Loved Somebody Put Your HAnds Up
If You Ever Loved Somebody Put Your HAnds Up
And Now They Gone And You Wishin'
You Could Give Them Everything
I WAs Thinkin' 'bout Her Thinkin' 'bout Me
Thinkin' 'bout Us WhAt We GonnA Be
Opened My Eyes YeAh
It WAs Only Just A DreAm
So I TrAveled BAck Down ThAt RoAd
Wish She'd Come BAck No One Knows
I ReAlized YeAh
It WAs Only Just A DreAm
I WAs Thinkin' 'bout Her Thinkin' 'bout Me
Thinkin' 'bout Us WhAt We GonnA Be
Opened My Eyes YeAh
It WAs Only Just A DreAm
So I TrAveled BAck Down ThAt RoAd
Wish She'd Come BAck No One Knows
I ReAlized YeAh
It WAs Only Just A DreAm

kdng2 apa yg kiya impikan hny just a dream...
hny dalam khayalan kita ja...huhuhu
renungkan la....=)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


sya suka b2st....
lgu nie comel sgt..
tmbh2 yo soep..hehehe
so cuteeee....=0

one in a million

get setter
Go getter
Nothing better
Call me Mr. been there done that
Top model chick to your every day hood rat
Less than all but more than a few
But i’ve never met one like you
Been all over the world
Done a little bit of everything
Little bit of everywhere
With a little bit of everyone
But all the girls i’ve been with
Things i’ve seen and taste ?
I can be in love
But i just don’t know
Baby one thing is for certain
Whatever you do it’s working
All the girls don’t matter
In your presence can’t do what you do
There’s a million girls around but i don’t see noone but you
Girl you’re so one in a million
You are
Baby you’re the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And i’m certain that
There ain’t nothing better
No there ain’t nothing better than this
You’re not a regular girl
You don’t give a damn about your look
Talking about I can’t do it for you
But you can do it for yourself
Even though that ain’t so
Baby cos my dough don’t know how to end
But that independent thing i’m with it
All we do is win baby
courtesy of Originalyric.Info
I could be in love
But i just don’t know
Baby one thing is for certain
Whatever you do it’s working
All the girls don’t matter
In your presence can’t do what you do
There’s a million girls around but i don’t see noone but you
Baby you’re so one in a million
You are
Baby you’re the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And i’m certain that
There ain’t nothing better
No there ain’t nothing better than this
Girl you’re so one in a million
You are
Baby you’re the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And i’m certain that
There ain’t nothing better
No there ain’t nothing better than this
Timing girl
Only one in the world
Just one of a kind
She mine
Ooh all that I can think about is what this thing could be
A future baby
Baby you’re one of a kind
That means that you’re the only one for me
Only one for me
Baby (girl) you’re so one in a million
You are
Baby you’re the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And i’m certain that
There ain’t nothing better
No there ain’t nothing better than this
Girl you’re so one in a million
You are
Baby you’re the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And i’m certain that
There ain’t nothing better
No there ain’t nothing better than this

sangat takut..huhu

aku tkut bla leher aky bgkak..
yela org ckp thyroid plak..huhu
aku kna amek darah lg...
mane  syg nya drh pn xbnyk..hahaha
aku pn drah xckup hahaha
pape pn kak ipar aku leh wat gempar lak..huhu
blh plak dy kata kna amek drah blik..hehehe
pdhal t2 n t4 xde pape..huhu
tp demi kshtan xpela...amek jela...trlalu bmbg smp aku dmm xmo kbah..hahaha
pe la nasiha..hahaha

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

sangat geram!!!!!!!!!!!!

aku xtau pe hal ngn mamat tu..sbok ja hal aku...mcm dy bgus sgt kan nk ungkit suma nya...
aku sndri pn xpnh knl dy sgt dh xtau cta suka aty nak maki2 aku..
pastu jels org lg better nk wat org jd jht plak...slagi pangai ang mcm tu xkn da pmpn nk kt ang n tgor da pham.. meluat nya aku..argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ang akan dpt blsan ang..bnc aku....
xpnh aku kuar bhsa ksar cmtu....grm sgt aku....hlng mood aku.....
bajet bgus.........................................

msak my favourite food

rini aku mask sorg2 ja..huhu fiza g umah kak dy da hal pe ntah..huhu
aku msak gorneg sambal ikan blis n kntng slamat jdi..hehehe
aku nie xbpa pnd mask sgt..runsing je aku pkir umur dh nek mask xpandai sgt..
skrg dh blan 12 xlma nk blan 1 ha!!!!! umur aku pn mngkat jd 21 aduh...cangat tak cuke yela..
makin nek umar mkin dkt la ngn jdoh..huhu pe aku mrpek nie..hahaha
aku xtau la sapa jdoh aku..tguu jela..hahaha.... tp pe pn target aku thun dpn kna btol2 blajr msk..hbh blajar kan dok umah dlu bfore dpt keja..bab keja lak..lg aku runsng aku nk tlong my parents but really  worried yela kos ssh nk cr keja..

kuar jalan2...

kuar ngn angah n yana..huhu
sgt besh la..cara dorg mmg lain sgt..
mula2 aku geram aku tggu samp 2 jam..huhu memenatkan...
pas depa smp kami mam mcd sgt bnyk...
huhu kami melantak nma nya hahaha....
pastu photoshot pe lg..hahaha angah amek gmbr mknn..
pastu tgk wyng cta ngangkung..hahaha mula gelak punya la kuat...
last3 da org menangis haha..pela angah ni...hahahahaa
pepn dorg fren forever aku,.....=)
budk umah aku pn fren forever aku.....=)